Got suckered into moving a boiler

Got suckered into moving a boiler

Nick May 27, 2019

Every person in my family has a certain skill.

  • My father is the guy you call for anything plumbing related.

He can fix a toilet, install water heater and set up a new shower very quickly. My brother is the computer guru. You need to download a program, send a weird file or your computer is just not working? My brother can fix it with no issue. My big skill is that I am amazing at lifting heavy things. I am the one you call for moving a couch or taking big pieces of drywall up very narrow stairs. My skill is not very fun and I try to get out of it. My family is tricky though and they can always lure me in. My brother called me the other day to come over and watch the hockey game. The playoffs are happening right now and I don’t have cable. I was so excited to watch the game. My brother had DVR and wanted to save time. This way we don’t have to watch ads. He said that while we are waiting to watch the game, I might as well help him move his boiler system. Tricky of him right? The boiler was super heavy, bulky and we had to move it out of two doorways. I then had to assist him in lifting the heater in the back of his pick up truck. The moving process of the heater was so awful. I kept hitting my hands on door frames and my brother dropped the boiler on my foot once.
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