The corporate building has no idea what our air conditioning needs are

The corporate building has no idea what our air conditioning needs are

Nick May 20, 2019

I currently work in a large corporate building that is managed by somebody in a different state. Of course, we have somebody here who acts as a site leader, but they are practically puppets in the hands of the tyrant corporation. Why would I call them tyrants? For many reasons, obviously. The biggest pet peeve of ours is that they make decisions for our building without consulting whether or not that is the best for our location. They don’t ask, and they also never listen to our complaints when we air them, which we do often. Lately, they have been toying with our HVAC equipment, and it has caused a lot of discomfort in our building. It is summertime in our state, and it is incredibly warm here. However, they must not think too much about it, because our air conditioner is rarely running in our building. They seem to believe that air conditioning is an unnecessary expense that they could do without. Whenever they use the air conditioner, it is absolutely frigid in the room, and it makes us all very cold. We never know when to dress in shorts and a t-shirt or when to wear pants and a sweater. They have no way to manually adjust the thermostat in our building, so we are at the mercy of the corporation, hoping that our emails expressing our HVAC concerns are somehow reaching them. I just don’t understand what the point of installing central air conditioning in a building that will either never use it or use it incorrectly. It isn’t like a digital thermostat is difficult to use. They set the air conditioner to a reasonable temperature and leave it alone for good. It will stop cooling and start whenever it needs to.

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