Making an office

Making an office

Nick August 15, 2019

I’m at an interesting phase of my life right now where I’m redesigning basically everything.

I recently left a relationship with that completely framed my life. Everything that I did and said was ruled by somebody else’s wishes. Without him in my life, I have a lot more freedom and I’m using it to figure out what I want for myself long-term. Frankly, I’ve never really stopped and given myself the time to choose a direction in life. I’m doing it now. The first thing that I’m doing is building myself a home office so I can work from home more often. Reporting to an office everyday is such a drag and I don’t feel like I get my work done as efficiently as possible by being there. Instead I’m going to work from home in the peace and quiet that I now enjoy. The first thing that my office needs is advanced temperature control. The office where I work now is ungodly hot or cold depending on the day. I’m either sitting at my desk shivering and rubbing my hands together to try to thaw out my fingers so I can type, or pulling off layers and fanning myself with papers trying to stop sweating. It definitely does not help me to get my work done in an efficient way. That’s why I’m installing a mini split ductless HVAC system for my brand new office. I am not messing around with my air temperature anymore. By having a separate HVAC system located right in my office I’ll be able to have the most ideal air temperature and air conditions possible to enable my best work. I know that this is just a small HVAC investment, but it feels like another step towards building a great life.

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