Setting up zone control

Setting up zone control

Nick August 16, 2019

My parents have been arguing about their Heating as well as Air Conditioning system for years.

  • Individually, they prefer unusual temperature settings, which makes it strenuous for them to agree on the temperature control settings.

My mom prefers to keep the condo moderately warm, so he sets the temperature control to 80 degrees. My Mom prefers to be in a space that’s cooler, so he sets the temperature control to 68 degrees. As you can imagine, their Heating as well as Air Conditioning system works strenuous to keep up with their opposite temperature demands. Because of the dire fluctuation, their yearly utility bills can soar, causing my parents to argue even more about their Heating as well as Air Conditioning settings, however when I learn an article about zone control heating and cooling, I was super happy to share it with them! This seemed appreciate an simple solution for their temperature control differences. I sat my mom and Mom down and explained to them the benefits of installing a zoned temperature control. They could pick several zones in their house, which could be heated or cooled depending on their individual preferences, and since my mom liked to spend a lot of time in the bedroom and the family room, and my Mom loved his office and mancave upstairs, they could have the upstairs and downstairs as several seperate zones. It would cost them a couple thoUSnd dollars to have the zoned system installed, but would be more efficient in the long run. Thankfully, my parents loved this system and are planning to have their Heating as well as Air Conditioning system zoned next week! My parents will no longer need to stress about the temperature anymore!

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