Can you fix the AC just by believing in yourself?

Can you fix the AC just by believing in yourself?

Nick October 12, 2019

I am a motivational speaker, a woman who preaches the power of self-empowerment.

I believe that strength, intelligence, and willpower can take you anywhere you need to go, and I try to get people to see their own inner qualities. Believing in yourself can make all the difference in the world, and confidence can open up doors and opportunities in your life. Let me give you a great example from just a few weeks ago, at a lecture where I thought we were all doomed. There was a great turnout that day, and the room was full to capacity. It turns out the AC for the building had been on the fritz, and the room was stifling. It was too hot when we got there, but with so many people crowded in together the heating was rising by the second. The air quality was none too fresh either, let me tell you. I knew that with such poor climate control the crowd would start to slip away a little at a time, and I did not want that to happen. Since this lecture was in the local learning annex, I asked if anyone there was taking classes in the HVAC certification program they offered. One young lady said that she had been taking HVAC classes for about six months, and really enjoyed them. I challenged her to get the cooling for the room working again, and told her she could do it if she believed in herself. But it turns out she couldn’t, and she permanently ruined the entire HVAC system. My bad!

air quality