We were gaining more toys

We were gaining more toys

Nick November 12, 2019

I know that it sounds silly, but I was tired of my kids dragging toys into the house that didn’t belong to them.

  • Lately, I have become the home to gather at when it is time to play.

I seem to have the entire neighborhood in my backyard, at least twice a week. I don’t mind the children playing at my house, but I do mind it when they leave their toys behind. The worst part of leaving their toys behind is that I often find them on my air conditioning unit. If anything was going to be left on my air conditioning unit, I wanted it to be my tools. The other day, I found a remote control car on top of my air conditioner. I was worried that some kid was going to get in trouble for forgetting his remote control car because I know how expensive they can be. I took the car off the air conditioner and I carried it over to the neighbor’s house. I wanted to make sure it didn’t belong to any of our neighbor’s children. When I came up with zilch on that, I thought that maybe I should put the car back on the AC unit. Whoever had left the car on the AC unit, would more than likely return. Two days later, a young teenaged girl came over to the house to inquire about the remote control car. She said that her cousin was visiting and he had so much fun playing with my sons that he had put the car on the AC unit to keep it safe. I gave her the car and told her thank you for coming to pick it up.


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