I remember the first time that we purchased an air conditioner

I remember the first time that we purchased an air conditioner

Nick December 8, 2019

Do you remember the day that your parents purchased the first air conditioner in your house? I can remember the day that my parents purchased the first air conditioner. It was long before many people had central air conditioners. Most people had window air conditioners back then, but my parents were holding out since they didn’t think that we could afford to purchase an air conditioner. It wasn’t like we felt like we were suffering without an air conditioner. We spent most of our summer playing outside and having fun, and we never had time to wish that we had an air conditioner. However, I remember when my parents brought the air conditioner and installed it inside the window of the living room. When they turned on the air conditioner, I remember feeling the cold air blowing outside of the HVAC unit. Since the window air conditioner was completely new to us, my parents let us stay inside all day in front of the television while we enjoyed the luxury of cool air. I think that they regret that decision. Once you have experienced an air conditioner and the cool air, staying outside where it is warm and uncomfortable is no longer as appealing. The temperatures that you used to think were manageable became terrible, and everyone wanted to stay inside where the air conditioner was. We kids started becoming lazy, and the air conditioner was causing all of that. I am not going to mention that our bills went up with the air conditioner. Now, I still have an air conditioner, but I remember fondly how nice it was to live without one.