Problem with the cooling at the fire hall

Problem with the cooling at the fire hall

Nick December 7, 2019

Mark and I have been friends for 6 years.

  • We met when I decided to join the volunteer fire department.

Mark is a full-time number of the county fire department, and he was our instructor during the studying process. It took more than seven weeks for myself and others to be certified in the department; A lot of people might feel that it’s easy to be a volunteer fireman because you do not get paid, you entirely have to be certainly physically fit and have a great expertise of all the device and basic home architecture. I would prefer to quit our task at the A/C repair shop and be a firefighter full-time… Unluckyly, our partner thinks the task is too dangerous on a full-time basis, however on Tuesday of this week, Mark called myself and others because the A/C at the fire station was not laboring properly. Mark said that the normal commercial Heating plus A/C provider was booked up all day. He was stuck laboring and the conditions were hot, humid, and downright scorching. He asked if I had any time to come by and look at the AC. I was already on our way to a small repair, but I told Mark that I would come by after I was finished. I didn’t feel if I would be able to provide any assistance on the A/C repair, but I was blissful to help in any way. I ended up at the fire station at around multiple in the day, and by that time, it was 86 degrees in the bunkhouse. I performed a thorough investigation of the idea and quickly realized that the compressor line had a hole. I updated the part in 20 or 30 minutes and the A/C was laboring once again.
central heater