Blind Spots Are Natural With Some HVACs

Blind Spots Are Natural With Some HVACs

Nick January 31, 2020

Do you think you have hot spots happening in your house? Hot spots are little areas of your house or office that just don’t seem to get as cool as the rest of the room.

They are like little pockets where your a/c just doesn’t seem to reach for some reason of physics.

If you are having these kinds of problems with your Heating and Air Conditioning system, it might be the right thing to do to call in a Heating and Air Conditioning specialist to see if they have any recommendations. You are likely paying higher heating and cooling costs when you have these blind spots, and here’s why: you have this one corner of a room that you can tell is not getting as much a/c as the rest of the room, and the control unit reads 3 degrees higher over there, but of course, the air doesn’t just stay there the air moves around, so the warm pocket air moves to other areas, so the a/c detects that it is too hot, and the a/c switches on. And this will happen again and again yet still, that section will always be hotter than the rest. This is a circular event that drains your a/c component and your bank account. If it is winter, this same phenomena still occurs, only the spots are not hot spots, they are now chilly spots. They are little areas where your furnace, for some reason or another, just doesn’t do that well. If you have these warm spots and cold spots, you are best to consider bringing in a Heating as well as Air Conditioning pro to help you figure out what improvements can be made to your heating and cooling system. You might be amazed at what is possible!


heating and cooling