I want a Nice Controlled Temperature Too

I want a Nice Controlled Temperature Too

Nick January 31, 2020

I’m pretty tired of complaining about how much electricity our hubby’s reptiles use up. They use a lot. Each of them needs special temperature controls and lighting-they all cost a lot of cash to run, and additionally, all of those heaters and lights make the apartment entirely too hot and uncomfortable for me, so I have to try to save cash by not turning on the air conditioning system that often, for myself, but I shouldn’t have to do that, I know that is obvious. But last weekend my hubby came back to the apartment with yet another snake from the reptile store. Just what I need, another reptile with more reptile lights in this house. I don’t know why I bother trying to save cash, by not using the air conditioning system, if he’s going to go out and keep spending it on reptiles. It is not at all a single-time purchase either, then like I said, each reptile needs its own light plus heat plus it costs cash to run all of that. While he set up the tank for the new snake, I cranked the air conditioning system on so I could enjoy some nice cool air! When he was done setting up the snake, my hubby went to turn the thermostat down a little, but all he got was an earful from me. All of his snakes get their own comfortable temperature settings. I know they are cold blooded, but I deserve the same because this is my house too. My hubby did not argue about that at all. I feel he knows better than that. It would take nothing for me to put him, plus all of his reptiles, out. Then I would have our apartment comfortable and as a bonus snake free.


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