Learning about being prepared when going camping

Learning about being prepared when going camping

Nick January 27, 2020

When I first went camping with my family, I have to admit that I was entirely unprepared.

I got a bunch of things at the camping equipment store, but I didn’t have everything that I needed.

Sure we had a nice sized family tent, but we had no portable heating system. The only way for us to keep warm was to build a fire in the fireplace and even then we were a little bit nippy. It was especially frosty when we had to retreat to the tent after supper, but at least the sleeping bags managed to warm us up pretty good. I learned a few things though, and that is to be prepared with all the right equipment, including a portable heating system. The portable heating system would be precisely the thing that keeps us from freezing to death. So the next time I went searching for a portable heater, I ended up finding a portable HVAC system that had both heating and cooling ability. When my wife was asking if I got the portable heater, I smiled and told her that I had found something better. Now when we went camping in the summer, we would be able to keep cool with the cooling function on the portable HVAC machine. We would be able to adjust it to heating if it got chilly in the night and of course the heating function would be perfect for the colder months. It’s possible that we might even be able to go camping in the middle of winter, but I’m not sure I want to try that just yet. Maybe that would be better with an RV or something.

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