Starting an HVAC business

Starting an HVAC business

Nick September 17, 2020

Last time I was writing to you about my insane plan for starting my own business.

I had moved away from my teeny-tiny town four years earlier.

At the time I was just out of high school, I felt trapped here, and I needed to get out, see the world, and pursue an education. When I finished school, I found myself moving back to the small town, because I had come to miss that quiet, friendly lifestyle. I had a business degree, and my family was well known in those parts ,so my plan was to open up a business. I decided to go with a heating and cooling repair shop, even though I didn’t actually know how to do that kind of work myself. The economy being what it is, all it took was one Facebook post and I had six different HVAC techs contact me about a job opportunity. This was great, because although I only needed one at the time, it would give me a pool of HVAC experts to draw from if I needed extra help. For starters, I needed one HVAC tech ready to put in as many hours as it took to knock out all the day’s service calls. He would be given a good wage to start, and also a percentage of the HVAC company itself, so that he knew the more money we made, the more money he made. I think I found the right guy, he is a younger guy without much on the job HVAC experience, but he has his certification and an eagerness to work and succeed.

Commercial air conditioning system