I meant for our first date to be fancy and romantic

I meant for our first date to be fancy and romantic

Nick March 31, 2021

I easily remember the first date that my wife and I had.

We went out to this very expensive restaurant.

I was just trying to impress her, but it wasn’t going so well when the place felt chilly and they wouldn’t adjust the temperature control settings. I thought the food was too expensive anyway and I didn’t like how we were being treated in that restaurant. We ended up leaving before the food even arrived because they never accommodated us by adjusting the heater in the place. I thought for the price we would be paying to eat there, they would have done that for us. I saw a few other people around who seemed to agree that the heater needed to be cranked up when we made a big deal about it. So we just ended up leaving the place and we ended up going to this burger place. This wasn’t how I thought the date would end up, but I think this is when I realized I knew my wife was meant for me. First of all, she didn’t care about it not being a fancy date. She said she didn’t care for eating out at fancy restaurants anyway and a lot of the time they don’t even have good food. We definitely agreed about that and the temperature control settings in the fast food place were very comfortable. We relaxed and talked all night and she ended up relaxing with me in front of the fireplace at my house. One thing led to another and we ended up getting married.


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