Need to Get my HVAC Zone Control Repaired

Need to Get my HVAC Zone Control Repaired

Nick June 23, 2022

My zone control is no longer working on my HVAC system so I am going to call the HVAC supplier and see if they can come out next week to check it out.

I think I know why it isn’t working but I want them to come out and diagnose the problem correctly.

I don’t know a lot about the newer HVAC technology because it has changed so much since when I used to work in it. It’s kind of the same with cars too. I used to be able to fix my own car when it broke down but now it is all computerized and I have no idea where to start when something goes wrong. I bet they can fix my zoned HVAC within an hour of coming out so it shouldn’t cost me that much or take more than a day. I noticed the other day that my whole house was cooling down when it was supposed to be just my office that was cooling down during the day. At night I like to just cool down my bedroom so I am not wasting air conditioning on rooms that aren’t even being used for the night. It is one of the best HVAC equipment innovations that I have seen lately and I really appreciate zoned cooling and heating when it is working properly. My power bills have been higher and I know that it is because the zoned system is not working well. But this is life, and all you have to do is fix the problem and keep on moving ahead.

Rooftop HVAC