I’m truly ecstatic that I moved here

I’m truly ecstatic that I moved here

Nick July 3, 2022

I’m truly ecstatic that I moved here where I’m not going to have to use the a/c anymore.

In the place where I lived before, I had to run the air conditioner nearly all the time during the summer, and it used to cost a fortune during those hotter months.

It took me a long time to make the choice to move, because I just did not want to leave our family and friends. However, after that I got a job offer that I could not refuse. I was going to be making lots more money at our job in the modern town, and I would also be able to save a fortune on air conditioner maintenance and cooling bills because the temperature here is so much better. I just couldn’t say no. Even though I still miss living so close to our friends and family, I still would not change a thing. I have been living here for two years now, and I still love the fact that I do not have to worry so much about the central cooling system in our house. Where I used to live, if your a/c went down then you were in big trouble. Here, it doesn’t truly matter all that much because you can just open the windows and turn on the ceiling fan. With just a ceiling fan and a breeze from the windows, you’re perfectly fine. I can’t imagine trying to do that at the last place that I used to live. Back there, central air conditioner was a must.


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