Custom-made metal housing solution

Custom-made metal housing solution

Nick August 15, 2022

For the last more than nine years I worked full-time to support our artistic pursuits, i am a sculptor that works mostly with metal… This is deeply fulfilling to myself and others on a spiritual level, even though I must admit it does not pay the bills.

  • I worked in a deadly dull office setting all through this time.

I hated every hour of it, however it was the only way to make enough cash to keep doing the art that I appreciated, a few weeks ago I stumbled across an exciting task opportunity, and now I have the opportunity to use our artistic skills to labor for a local Heating and Air Conditioning dealer. It seems the Heating and Air Conditioning industry has more of a demand for custom-made housing for the equipment they use! Rich people don’t want a sizable clunky air conditioner resting in their closet, so they hire an artisan to make a custom housing that looks fancy and lovely! Everyone knows what the air handling component for an air conditioner looks like, and usually they are unobtrusive. A metal box sits in the side or backyard of the house, helping with the air exchange for the Heating and Air Conditioning plan and managing the ventilation, then what I do is take that metal box, throw it away, and create for you a gorgeous custom-made housing for your Heating and Air Conditioning equipment. Instead of dreary equipment now you have an amazing labor of art suitable for a gallery. I have made custom Heating and Air Conditioning housing in the shape of birdies, butterflies, and even a recreation of Stonehenge, and our labor is genuinely much in demand.

More information at this link