I wish my favorite gym was not on the other side of town

I wish my favorite gym was not on the other side of town

Nick August 17, 2022

We have one gym in our little city that is clearly better than all the others.

This particular local gym is owned and operated by the hospital.

Unfortunately for me, this gym is located in one of the wealthier sections of town, which is not where I can live. It is a full half hour drive for me to get there. They clearly have the best personal training center available, and over the years I have had my gym membership there, but I have always given it up because it is just too inconvenient to go there. I do really like one of the personal trainers that works there, and that personal trainer only works out of that gym. That of course means that I had to give up my personal trainer, who I like, When I gave up that gym membership. It is also the only local gym to offer a swimming pool. I had to give up swimming at the gym, too. They have wellness and recovery programs for people who have had surgery, as well. After my recent surgery, my surgeon wrote me a prescription for their particular wellness and Recovery program, but that has ended and is no longer available unless I get a new gym membership. Another thing I really love about this health and fitness center is that my health insurance will reimburse the cost of the membership each year. Well, not the full cost, but part of it. Their personal fitness programs and physical training programs are better than you would imagine. Unfortunately, I just don’t have the time or discipline to drive half an hour just to get to the gym. Therefore, I have to settle for a gym that has no swimming pool, no certified fitness experts, no semi-private Fitness training, and no yoga studio. I just wish my favorite gym was not on the other side of town.
Yoga classes