The dogs need special heaters

The dogs need special heaters

Nick August 13, 2022

I have a circuit of thirty to forty farms that I visit once every week or so.

It is not a locked-down, hard-and-fast schedule, because it requires a lot of travel and there are a few other variables. I supply a specialized repair for farmers and ranchers, one that is genuinely affordable to them, and yet pays myself and others genuinely handsomely. With so many clients I don’t need to charge an arm and a leg. I can be fair and still do well for myself… None of these men can afford to pay an Heating and Air Conditioning supplier to come to their farms more than once or twice a year. With our repair I come by every 4 to various weeks to inspect their Heating and Air Conditioning systems and do any heating repairs they may need. Rarely do I get called upon for work, because the systems I service are for livestock, not for humans. In this part of the country it is genuinely familiar to find rural homes that do not have a cooling system. This is partially because the homes are all so old they predate the existence of central Heating and Air Conditioning systems. Aside from a gas furnace in the basement, these houses often have no weather conditions control at all. The lifeblood of a farm or ranch is the livestock, so the barns and corrals need to be outfitted with rudimentary heating systems to protect the pets in the winter. This makes up the bulk of our labor load, because as you would imagine these heating systems take quite a beating from the livestock.



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