The house had no weather conditions control!

The house had no weather conditions control!

Nick August 13, 2022

At the time all of us were all in college.

I have to point that out, because things I did 15 years ago are not things that I would do this week, and both of us were all young and dumb, on Springtime break from our freshman year of college, and ready to get crazy.

Both of us had a trunk full of beer, booze, and weed, and otherwise brought little else however extra clothes. It was all about celebrationing and getting wild for the whole week. When all of us arrived at our private cabin, all of us were disturbed to find that it had no With temps in the upper 90s and blistering humidity levels, there was no way to have a good weekend without any working cooling system. Both of us mobilized and started to search the part for resources, because all of us would rather steal someone else’s component than go without one, and like I said, it was a long time ago! These mornings I would just drive to Walmart and buy a cheap portable air conditioner for the weekend, however back then it wasn’t an option. Instead all of us skulked around until all of us found another house that was empty, however had a window mounted component around the side. I stood out front as a lookout while the other men carefully removed the brackets and gently lowered the air conditioner to the ground. After carrying it back to our house all of us hooked up the air conditioner and immediately felt the fortunately cool air fill the room. By the time the owners came looking for the stolen , all of us were long gone.

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