Fighting back against allergies with Heating and Air Conditioning equipment

Fighting back against allergies with Heating and Air Conditioning equipment

Nick October 1, 2022

I thought that I had outgrown my childhood allergies, however now that Beth has moved in things have changed.

For as far back as I can remember I have been allergic to critters.

Any critter that has fur and dander makes me sneeze, and gives me green and itchy eyeballs. When I am not around critters for a long time, I can forget about my allergies. That is what happened here! I invited Beth to come live with me, and he brought his three cats, however just a month later the indoor air quality is abysmal, and I feel care about I have the flu all the time. I love Beth and he enjoys his cats, so my goal is to improve the indoor air quality without having to get rid of the pets. If the pets go, then Beth may go with them, so the first thing I did was invest in a HEPA air filter and a Roomba. The HEPA rated air filters are the most effective on the market, and hopefully it can remove more allergens from the air circulation. The Roomba will keep up with all the tumbleweeds of animal hair that drift around the house whenever the air conditioner turns on. I am quite sure that will not be enough, so I also ordered a current air purification system from Amazon, which I will leave next to my bed. With an air purification system in the family room, and strict rules about no cats in that room, at least I will have 1 location in the house with superior air quality.



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