I found mold in the air duct

I found mold in the air duct

Nick October 2, 2022

I had made a lot of plans last weekend, because there was so much I wanted to get done.

Everything got derailed pretty suddenly, though, in a way I never saw coming.

I got up first thing Thursday day and went through my day routine. I had some root carona and a piece of toast, I smoked some weed and got ready for the day. First I mowed the grass, before the sun got too bright and the temps got too high. By early day I was ready to knock out my next task, the cleaning of the air vents and inspection of the air duct. I don’t have long enough arms to disinfect the inside of the air ducts, however I consistently make sure to check them when I have the air vents removed. I try to do this once a year or so, although in this case it had been almost 2 years since I had looked into the air duct. I was stunned to find that the inside of the main air duct was lightly dusted with mold. My beach house was infested with mold! Since it was in the air duct, that meant it was permeating the air that I breathed. I immediately covered my face, turned off the cooling system, and started to open all the windows. After that I sat on the back porch and started to make PC calls, starting with my physician, and my Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance provider. I needed to get my lungs inspected out, however I also needed to get my air duct cleaned out or I couldn’t stay in the house anymore.


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