The dogs ruined the indoor air pollen levels

The dogs ruined the indoor air pollen levels

Nick October 1, 2022

The previous leaseholders had a lot of dogs.

I never met them, so I don;’t suppose how several dogs or what kinds – but they must have been giant, plus particularly hairy.

When both of us moved in the backyard was wildly overgrown plus filled with “odor bombs.” That is what both of us called the mess the dogs left behind. It took a few afternoons with a shovel plus a bucket to collect all of that waste. That was far from the worst part, however. At least the dog mess was outside, but inside the years worth of dog hair plus dander had infiltrated the HVAC duct plus slowed down the Heating plus Air Conditioning system. Although the house itself had been cleaned, the property owner had not gotten the Heating plus Air Conditioning idea checked out. The result was a series of HVAC ducts coated with huge amounts of fur, hair, plus dander, to the point where the whole house still reeked prefer dogs! My first instinct was to beginning scraping out the inside of the HVAC ducts myself, but my wife recommended calling a professional. I am glad I listened to her, because I found out that I might have permanently damaged those HVAC ducts. The Heating plus Air Conditioning tech showed me how the HVAC duct was particularly old plus brittle in locales. Had I gone in there scrubbing plus scraping I would have put holes in the sides of the HVAC ducts. He commanded buying the “deep clean” HVAC duct cleaning package, plus he guaranteed that the indoor air pollen levels would improve significantly. He was right, plus with wash HVAC duct the house no longer odors prefer animals.

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