All my mom did was complain about the heater

All my mom did was complain about the heater

Nick December 8, 2022

My mom came to visit my husband and I this winter and she stayed with us during the entire month of December.

I thought it would be really nice to have my mom with us during that month. I thought she could help me go shopping for the kids and spend the holidays with my family like she did when my brother and I were kids. My brother has been in prison for the past 13 years. My mom hasn’t really celebrated a birthday, Christmas or holiday since then, so I was hoping this year would be different. I put my mom up in the bedroom across the hallway from the kids. She complained that the boys were too noisy during the day when she was trying to take a nap. She complained about the food that I cooked. She claimed that I’ve used too much salt and the food was too spicy. She complained about the heater in her room. My husband got a special heater for the room that has wireless internet access. You can use your telephone to change the temperature in the room. My mom is convinced that the technical space age heater is spying on her in the middle of the night. I tried to tell my mom that is impossible, but she didn’t believe that was the truth. She complained about the heater so much that we finally had to remove it. We bought an electric blanket for the bed instead. It’s definitely not as good as a space heater, but what else can we do?

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