Tom gets a new Heating as well as A/C

Tom gets a new Heating as well as A/C

Nick January 5, 2023

I don’t suppose that I’ve ever met a more hard headed person than Tom. While I appreciate her dearly and want to look after her, Tom makes it awfully difficult by being so dang stubborn. This comes from a long life of being totally independent, and for sure that rubbed off on her children as well and I like that. But Tom is now in her eighties, it’s time that she let us help with things like the heating and cooling equipment. Tom is now becoming more limited with the things that she can do physically. And this means Tom needs more Heating as well as A/C heating that she was getting. The home Tom lives in has consistently had a wood stove for heating. Tom wouldn’t have had it any other way. She enjoys that wood stove and that sort of heating is super cozy for her. But Tom is having trouble loading the firewood and keeping the fire lit. I found Tom several times last Winter time buried under blankets and resting in front of a space heater. I guess Tom is independent but that just will not do when it comes to getting proper heating. Still, Tom entirely fought us over adding a more traditional Heating as well as A/C unit to her house. Mostly, that is because she does not want us spending money on her. Finally, I got the Heating as well as A/C supplier out there and Tom and I decided on some current residential Heating as well as A/C. It certainly works out just great that Tom now has 3 ductless heat pumps in her house, not only will she have entirely wicked heating during the Winter time when she cannot get the stove lit. But Tom will also be able to appreciate Heating as well as A/C cooling when it gets tepid and muggy during the summers.

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