Adding a humidifier helps with comfort

Adding a humidifier helps with comfort

Nick February 3, 2023

I live in the northern part of the country, where the winters last for the majority of the year.

For months at a time, the temperature drops below freezing and sometimes into the negative digits.

The wind chill is downright brutal and the snow accumulation sets national records. When the air is cold, it doesn’t retain as much moisture. The conditions get especially dry, which creates problems inside the house. Insufficient humidity can cause damage to furnishings. There’s the possibility of hardwood floors, doors, antiques and musical instruments cracking. It causes frizzy hair, static shock and chapped lips. The insufficient humidity dries out nasal passages, making people more susceptible to respiratory infection. Headaches, insomnia, coughing and sneezing can be blamed on low moisture levels. Because dry air feels colder than properly moisturized air, it leads to higher thermostat settings. The furnace is required to work harder and run for longer cycles. It draws more energy, making a bigger impact on the environment and experiencing greater wear and tear. There is a higher risk of malfunction. The furnace won’t last as long, and I end up paying higher utility bills. I tried portable humidifiers but wasn’t happy with the results. They required quite a bit of upkeep and didn’t make much of a difference. Eventually, I invested in a whole-home humidifier. The device works by converting water into steam and introducing it into the air that passes through the furnace. I am able to regulate the amount of moisture to my preference. The humidifier runs quietly, needs only yearly upkeep and creates a much healthier and more comfortable home.


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