Can you please repair our oil furnace?

Can you please repair our oil furnace?

Nick February 2, 2023

I had been trying to find someone to repair our oil furnace for the last numerous weeks.

I had just moved into the area, and I didn’t guess who to call for Heating plus A/C work.

I had a couple of bills from the Heating plus A/C corporation the old owners used, but I was told they were no longer in business. I talked to our neighbor and asked who she used, despite the fact that she didn’t know. I found out she had dementia, and her thought process wasn’t laboring well these days. I went online and did a search for Heating plus A/C companies in our area. There were several, and I called all numerous before I found an Heating plus A/C corporation that would labor on our oil furnace. The first 1 I called refused to come out because they said I owed them money. I just bought the house, and I told the Heating plus A/C corporation that the owners who owed them money moved. I owned the house, and gave him our name and iPhone number. The minute Heating plus A/C corporation was just as nasty about the owner of the house paying her past bills before they would do any more labor on the Heating plus A/C system. I needed our oil furnace repaired and no matter how numerous times I told them I wasn’t them, they would not budge. I finally called the second Heating plus A/C corporation. I asked if they could please repair our oil furnace. They took down the name and address. When there was a hesitation, I blurted out that I just bought the house, and the bills were from the previous owner. The woman got quiet and said she thought she knew the name.


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