A little chatter about hot water boilers

A little chatter about hot water boilers

Nick March 3, 2023

Today we will talk a bit about how we go about getting hot water in the house when we need it.

There are many kinds of systems and we can’t talk about them all in this short article, but we will try to inform you the best we can.

The most common type of hot water boiler is the forced-air system, which consists of a furnace that heats air, which is then circulated through a series of ducts to distribute the heat to various parts of the building. The furnace in a hot water boiler is typically fueled by natural gas, propane, or oil, and uses a pilot light to ignite the fuel. The heat generated by the furnace is transferred to the water in the boiler via a heat exchanger, which is typically made of metal such as steel or cast iron. Another type of hot water boiler is the hydronic system, which uses water rather than air to transfer heat. This type of boiler typically consists of a heating unit that contains a heat exchanger, a pump to circulate the water, and a tank to store the hot water. The heating unit may be fueled by natural gas, propane, or oil, and uses a pilot light to ignite the fuel. The heat generated by the heating unit is transferred to the water in the tank via the heat exchanger. In order to ensure safety, hot water boilers are typically equipped with various safety features such as pressure relief valves, temperature regulators, and automatic shut-off valves. Additionally, hot water boilers are designed to meet specific safety and efficiency standards set by governing organizations such as the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

furnace/heater tune-up