40 hour workweeks for a new contractor

40 hour workweeks for a new contractor

Nick April 4, 2023

My brother just told me he is making enough money each day with his sticky bun business to pay 1.5X his rent. Seeing that he pays $1000 a month for rent, that means he is pulling in $45000 a month from selling sticky buns? My brother seems to have a gold finger when it comes to making money, me on the other hand, well my fingers are not so gold. I’m sitting on 10K shares of an EV company hanging by a thread, but if it somehow makes it then my fingers will have some gold dust like my HVAC expert brother’s has. I don’t care about making a ton of money because I think I found three keys to happiness and none of them are about making tons of money. The HEPA filter salesman cued me in on these three keys at the HVAC company one day, they are; have what you need, do what you love, and help other people. And that is how I live my life more or less, while I pursue my music dreams and make enough to get by. I still do geothermal heat pump repairs and portable cooling device sales here and there, and hopefully my music is helping people in some way, shape, or form. I will knock out this article and then I am going to get outside and go for a short bike ride and a quick dip in the sea to wake up. Today is leg day later by this local business with my heating tech friend, so I need to get a move on.

ductless multi split