50 songs and a good warm fireplace

50 songs and a good warm fireplace

Nick April 4, 2023

Once our band gets 50 songs together we are ready to hit the road and tour.

We have 20 songs so far, but at a rate of about six new songs a month, it won’t be long before we are traveling in a nice RV and doing gigs all over the place.

I decided on 50 songs because that gives us about three hours of music we can play, and we can also add in some new music that we make on the spot. My brother is trying to persuade me to open a chicken wing restaurant with heating and cooling inside so that customers can dine while staying comfortable. I think playing music gigs sounds a lot more interesting than frying chicken wings all day and serving them to people, whaddya think? I’m sure if I really tried I could make a bunch of money selling them, but what good is that money going to do me if I am working all day making wings? I will probably do my HVAC equipment sales on the side for the local contractor and keep playing music till it hits the mark we are looking to hit with the 50 songs. Call me crazy but I think we could travel around playing musical shows for places and make some money doing so. We may not make as much as the local contractor or the HVAC tech in our town, but having enough money to survive while having a ton of fun playing music seems like the obvious path to strive towards. Time will tell.


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