Adding a window AC to the shed

Adding a window AC to the shed

Nick April 4, 2023

My husband is always working on the shed because he loves working with his hands.

He’s a true Craftsman at heart and he’s always working with wood.

Some of the things he makes are just simply beautiful and I love seeing what he designs everyday. He’s made so many different things for me and the kids it’s so wonderful to see him be so passionate about something. The only downside that I can see is that during the summer months while he’s out working in his woodshed it can get really hot. He’s always complaining about the heat but he never seems to know exactly what to do about it. I don’t think it’s occurred to him that he should get some sort of your conditioning unit or something to put in the shed so that it wouldn’t be so hot. So instead of helping him out and telling him about it I decided that I was going to surprise him with an air conditioning system instead. When he came home from work yesterday I told him that I had a gift for him and I sat him down eagerly. I then handed him the wrapped gift and he opened it and it was a window air conditioning system. He was so happy when he saw it because he immediately knew what it was for. I told him I loved his designs and creations and I wanted him to continue to make more but I didn’t want him to have to sweat all the time while doing so. So the air conditioning was for the shed. He was so happy and gave me a big hug.



heating industry