Eight heating device articles then some food

Eight heating device articles then some food

Nick April 4, 2023

I am trying to think of the last time I had an office job, well I guess it would be back in November of 1999 when I left my engineering job working for the medical manufacturing company.

  • I was an engineer for about seven years before deciding that it wasn’t for me when I was 32 years old.

I’m glad I made the leap to go and work for myself and not be under the grip of the corporate world anymore. So that means it has now been almost 25 years since leaving the office job and doing heating and cooling equipment repairs on the side for a local contractor. There is no office to report to as she doesn’t even have an office, just a work van and a bunch of tools in a storage unit. I seldom see my HVAC supplier and contractor boss, and when I do it is usually for lunch at one of the local businesses in town to discuss the upcoming work we have. We don’t really work together much because she is usually out of town working on other jobs and I am in town doing work for our local customers. I will keep working for six more years at this rate and then I can cut back because I will be getting some money from my social security fund, if it is still around! The heating and cooling business owner told me not to worry about my SS benefits, as they will be there for me just like the local contractor is there for the HVAC customers each year.

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