Mom plus dad arrived just as the heating plus A/C worker was packing his tools

Mom plus dad arrived just as the heating plus A/C worker was packing his tools

Nick May 9, 2023

I was getting late for work, however thankfully, I am the boss.

So, I could afford to be a few minutes late.

I run a corporation in the city plus I am undoubtedly fortunate that it is successful. I began my corporation from my parents home during the pandemic. Before that, I was working as a barista at a local tea shop. When the establishment shut down, I lost my job plus had to find another source of income. My aunt plus her kids were quarantined with us, plus my friend and I couldn’t go to salons to get our hair done. So, I finally opted to order braids plus did my own hair. My aunt was so impressed that she had me do her hair, plus paid me well. Then, my cousins also did the same plus that’s how I started braiding hair; however for a while, even after lock down, I did it at the garage in my folks home. Then, I got some money plus opened a salon in town. I still live at home, however I soon plan to get an apartment. On this particular day, my friend and I had the heating plus A/C worker over at the home to repair the cooling unit. It had failed that night, so my friend and I had to wait until the next day to have someone come repair it. My folks left to handle some business, so I was the one at home when the heating plus A/C worker arrived. He got to work fixing the faulty cooling unit, plus it was taking longer than I expected. Mom plus dad arrived just as the heating plus A/C worker was packing his tools, plus I rushed to my car to get to my salon. I already had a new client waiting for me so I had to hurry.
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