Moisture control in the air prevents moodiness

Moisture control in the air prevents moodiness

Nick September 26, 2023

I have been so moody lately.

  • I do not know why I am.

I just seem to be in several different moods a day. I cannot help the way that I feel. There are a lot of things that could be causing my mood to change so often. Maybe it is the people that I am surrounding myself with. It could also be the weather lately. The weather has been changing just as much as my moods have been.I think I will blame it on the weather. I can often feel the weather changes in my house too. When it gets humid, I feel it. When it is cold outside I can feel it because the furnace goes on and the air gets dry. I can never have the temperature right inside of my home. It can never be right outside of my home. I have no idea what to do now. I want to be more comfortable in my house. That could possibly solve all of my mood problems. I called my local HVAC business. They set up a meeting with me so we could discuss the best plan of action for me. They advised me to install a humidifier and dehumidifier first. These control the amount of moisture in the air. I could have a balanced house all year long. I would never have to worry about feeling to dry or too groggy. It would be beneficial to install these to ensure that even on the most humid days I am comfortable and happy. The HVAC technician would install these for me. They are simple installations and these pieces of HVAC equipment do not tend to need a lot of maintenance. I can say that ever since I had these installed, I have felt much better about myself.

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