Job duties – Heating, Ventilation & A/C maintenance

Job duties – Heating, Ventilation & A/C maintenance

Nick February 15, 2024

There are a few things you need to know before you go off working for a small business.

First of all, you will have the option of working with like-minded humans if you option the right business.

Instead of getting stuck in a huge supplier with a supplier atmosphere, these little shops & companies tend to have more centralized & personable cultures. Secondly, you will be accountable for the work that you do, but it will feel superb to be acknowledged. Working for a large company, on the other hand, you often are one of numerous & no one even notices what you do every afternoon, but lastly, you will wear a lot of hats since there are few employees running the show. In my up-to-date position, for instance, I just became the Heating, Ventilation & A/C maintenance administrator on top of my respected duties. My afternoon to afternoon tasks have particularly nothing to do with the indoor air temperature, Heating, Ventilation & A/C system, or other building infrastructure; however, it became clear last weekthat we desperately need someone to keep an eye on the routine air filter swings & HVAC duct cleanings for our central heating & cooling system. That’s when the ventilation task was passed along to me. Now I am the middle man between the Heating, Ventilation & A/C system at work & the local ventilation repair shop down the street. I arrange all the routine heating & cooling maintenance & negotiate the contracts for the ventilation workers. It’s a bit of a hassle to worry about the indoor air quality, but to be even-handed I don’t mind the extra work too much… because I also am the middle man between my coworkers & the temperature control.


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