I could have used more information

I could have used more information

Nick May 11, 2019

Did you know that everyday is the observance of some sort of holiday? Well, today is May 11th, & today happens to be “eat what you want afternoon” & “Hostess cupcake afternoon”… So basically with eat what you want afternoon, you are allowed for this a single afternoon to eat whatever you want & however much you want! It doesn’t matter if you are on a strict diet, though if you have food dust sensitivities, you must stay clear of those foods you are allergic to, and to observe this holiday, I wanted to be prepared. I made sure to have my HVAC system tuned up & have everything diagnosed out so that the air conditioner would be working great. I knew that if both of us were going to cook a bunch of fried foods & eat a lot, both of us were going to need to be comfortable in the household, also both of us had to choice up Hostess cupcakes because this was also a holiday for that. This was because way back when, it was announced that these cupcakes would go on sale on the 10th, & they were first sold on May 11th, 1919, however now this holiday is noticed daily on May 11th, though really a lot of people don’t know about it. So both of us have the smart thermostat ready to go so that when both of us are cooking & eating, both of us won’t have to go all the way to the thermostat to make changes to the settings. Today is going to be the ultimate eating afternoon & it’s essentially going to be a buffet at home!

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