Annoying Heating, Ventilation & A/C serviceman smashes a small statue worth an immense fortune

Annoying Heating, Ventilation & A/C serviceman smashes a small statue worth an immense fortune

Nick July 20, 2019

It takes a lot to make me angry.

When I was younger, our temper was hot, & our ability to get mad at the drop of a hat was minute to none.

That’s nothing to brag about, mind you – I’m much happier now that I’ve figured out how to mellow myself out, & not get so twisted over the little things; So, you could imagine how mad I had to be the other day to actually kick an Heating, Ventilation & A/C repair serviceman off of our property! Let me rewind here. This all began about a month ago, when our spouse & I were at house wonderful on our couch as the two of us were studying books & enjoying the peace & quiet… Only the gentle hum of the A/C method could be heard, until the two of us quickly heard this exhausting grinding sound coming from the A/C method vents! Scared & paranoid, I quickly got up & shut off the A/C method at the source. I promptly called the first heating, ventilation & A/C repair repair I found online, which is how I got to meet this particular repair serviceman. When she arrived at our condo for the first time, this big oaf managed to ram her toolbox right into a priceless statue positioned right near the front door, then as soon as the Heating, Ventilation & A/C repair serviceman disfigured the statue, I felt that usual spike in blood pressure just like when I was young. I took a deep breath as I explained the sound the two of us heard, & the serviceman flat-out told us that she couldn’t fix it with her tools. What was in this guy’s toolbox, anyway? I couldn’t even keep our cool anymore. I just told him to get lost, & we’d call another Heating, Ventilation & A/C repair supplier to handle the repairs.
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