I acted on an anonymous note that I got talking about the HVAC system

I acted on an anonymous note that I got talking about the HVAC system

Nick March 31, 2021

I thanked the people for the concern and I reached out to the HVAC business.

I always thought I was a fairly decent manager at the office. I even remember when I first got the promotion and how excited I was. I guess from that time, I became somewhat detached from everybody else. The people I used to regularly hang out with during lunch changed because I was mainly eating lunch with the other managers. Well, one day I got this note that was coded on my office desk. I decoded the note which was interesting and it said that the workers all wanted to have an upgraded HVAC system in the building because the old one was easily failing. The note was anonymous, but I sort of got the picture. It was true, the HVAC system was old. Regardless of the regular HVAC system maintenance, the energy bills have been going up and the HVAC system really did seem to be past its time. I ended up addressing everybody on the work floor and I said that I got a little anonymous letter, and that the issue with the HVAC system would be addressed in a timely fashion. I thanked the people for the concern and I reached out to the HVAC business. I had them come in to check everything out and then they proceeded to upgrade the HVAC. With the new HVAC in place, we were able to achieve the temperature control settings in the office with no troubles. Now everybody in the office is happy thanks to that anonymous note that I was able to act on. Nobody can say I am a bad manager after the HVAC upgrade!

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