I’m About to Slow my Life Way Down Again

I’m About to Slow my Life Way Down Again

Nick June 23, 2022

I’ve been going a hundred miles an hour since being here in the states for the past two months.

  • My life overseas is a simple one, I work 15 hours a week online and then teach beach volleyball a few times a week.

I have no car over there because my town is very small and I can get around everywhere by foot or on bike. If I need to go somewhere further then I just take the train, which is a very joyful ride because it runs along the Mediterranean Sea. I write articles about the HVAC industry and spend a lot of time in meditation or quiet contemplation, very similar to the monks where I used to live near. I try to eat very simply and healthy and get a lot of exercise along with cold water dips each day. I read about HVAC equipment and repairs a lot too because I am going to get a job at the local company and they wanted me to read up on the industry. I’ve worked in it for many years but haven’t been doing much since leaving my own HVAC company some twenty five years ago. I would like to sell smart thermostats and air purifiers at the business so I’ve been reading a lot about both of them and trying to absorb as much as possible. I’m only going to work for them about ten hours a week so I can keep the same simple life that I really enjoy. I also like to spend time with my good friends over there.
air purification