Really loving my smart thermostat

Really loving my smart thermostat

Nick June 23, 2022

I am not a technologically savvy person at all. When my husband suggested changing our dial thermostat to a smart one, I was afraid. I will admit it, I didn’t think I was smart enough for the thermostat. I was nervous to download the app and have a heating and cooling program. I figured I would never be able to change my heating and cooling system. I also didn’t like the idea of the thermostat learning what I like and requiring no input from me after a while. Well my husband pushed and pushed. He finally got his way and we have a modern thermostat. It looks so much better down my hallway. The silver surround and blue innerface match way better than the beige and plastic. The thermostat alerts me to the outdoor weather when I walk by it. I use that feature all the time. I also had no trouble at all with the app. They really make it idiot proof. I can change my thermostat with ease. Just one click of a button and I can have AC, heating or change the temperature in the household. I really like that I get alerts on things going on with my HVAC. I never forget an air filter change because the thermostat tells me to. I get texted about energy efficient settings, air quality issues and humidity in the household. The thermostat does so much good. I will never get another type of thermostat again. I think I am going to buy one for my mother.

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