Performing HVAC Repair At The Music Shop In Town

Performing HVAC Repair At The Music Shop In Town

Nick May 21, 2019

Being a certified heating and air conditioning workman of several years has givin me a lot of commercial HVAC repair experience.

  • I have repaired heating and air conditioning systems in everywhere possible.

From police stations, to malls, small gas stations and even 50 story office buildings. But quite recently, I had my first central heating and air conditioning system at this local music shop. The shop sold strictly musical instruments for all kinds of musicians. Guitars, strings, pianos, you name it, they had it! The music store’s central heating and air conditioning system was one of the basic central HVAC systems you would have in your home. The store was small enough that they did not need one of those commercial or industrial sized central heating and air conditioning system units. The problem with the heating and cooling system was that the motor was burnt out. It was my job to replace the motor so they did not have to invest in a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system. The owner told me that with the decline in real musicianship today, they are not making as much money as they were in the past. So, he was totally glad to see and find out that the motor of the HVAC system could be replaced for a low price! The cost of the HVAC motor was about half the price of what it would have costed them for a completely brand new central HVAC unit. The owner thanked me when it was fixed and I was on my way back to the HVAC office.
Heat pump service

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