How do dual zone HVAC systems work

How do dual zone HVAC systems work

Nick April 14, 2021

When considering HVAC units for your home, it helps if you understand how they work.

Most air conditioning systems used traditionally use only one thermostat to achieve desired results. However, there is a difference when the HVAC system operates under a zoned system. One of the significant components of zoned HVAC units is using a series of dampers to function optimally. These motorized dampers are situated inside the ducts or in the air outlet. For you to create a zone, several dampers are placed together. The zones created in the house vary and may be dependent on several things, including the square meters, floor layout, number of rooms, and the use of the rooms being used. Usually, each room has a specific thermostat that controls the temperatures needed to make the room comfortable, depending on its use. The control panel connects the dampers and thermostat in a specific zone, a move that allows air to flow. When one room is in use, the dampers in all the other unused rooms remain closed and only open if a room is in need of heating or cooling for comfort. The dampers automatically close when the room attains its desired temperatures, causing the unit to shut down. You may want to consider this zoned HVAC system for your home because they are less expensive to install and maintain. The heating and cooling system operates in shifts, and when there is a need, operation costs are relatively cheaper than when a central air conditioner is used. However, before deciding which air conditioner or heating solution works for your home, make sure to bring in an HVAC technician for professional assistance.

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