Where is My Life Going to Take me Next?

Where is My Life Going to Take me Next?

Nick June 23, 2022

I’ve been thinking a lot about time and life after being gone from my hometown for almost three years.

You really see the passage of time when you leave a place like home for so long.

People die, people get older, places change, and you see it right in front of your eyes when you return. I feel like I’ve been frozen in a time capsule and just thawed out only to see all of my friends and family aging and time continuing without me. I wonder what I am doing with my life and what keeps me going. HVAC repairs and service work with my job keeps me in check but I wonder if there is something else that I am supposed to be doing. I don’t want to be old and regret not taking a chance and doing something that I would have loved to do. I love my job at the HVAC company and appreciate their generosity, but I also feel like there is a fire inside of me that wants me to be more. I do like to play music and would love to be in a band so maybe I should start practicing my drum and see if I can make it a reality. I know a lot of older folks that seem very bitter because they feel like they didn’t live the life they could have lived. For now though I will do my residential HVAC repairs and think about where I want to go in life in the future. It’s never too late to make a change.

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