Cat needs cooling too

Cat needs cooling too

Nick July 18, 2022

He legitimately enjoys having a cold arena to relax.

I will admit that I wouldn’t run our cooling as often or as low if I didn’t have a cat. For myself and others the air conditioning system isn’t legitimately necessary. I spend most of our days outside anyway. I work for a few hours at our laptop in addition to wanting a little cooling, however that is it. I then workout in our backyard shed. I read, tan and go for a walk around our property. I rarely come indoors for any extended period of time. I don’t need AC again until around 7 PM when I eat dinner and then go to bed. However, I do have a fuzzy, sweet beast that gets warm. My animal is hardcore about going otuside too. My cat and I sit out in the warm sun together. He goes under our sunchair in addition to I am on top. There are times the heat is too much for someone wearing a fur coat. It is adorable when our animal bursts through his animal door in addition to laying on the cold cement floors in our house. He has an AC vent that he lays underneath for a few minutes to cool down. Once his fur in addition to body is colder, he then goes back outside to play. He takes 2-3 AC breaks if it is legitimately warm outside. So I technically could turn off the cooling system to save money since I am not inside, although I can’t do that to our cat. He legitimately enjoys having a cold arena to relax. I think it is fantastic for him not to get warm. Alos, when he comes inside he gets a drink of water and has a lunch break. I like encouraging him to water in addition to fueling up.

heating and air conditioning