Cut the cost please

Cut the cost please

Nick July 18, 2022

My husband is pretty tight when it comes to spending cash on anything.

He is always telling myself and others he is really hunkering down on spending, saving his money or looking for an investment.

Those are key phrases meaning he won’t be helping myself and others with any spending around the house. Why does saving mean I have to spend all the money? That hardly seems fair. I get stuck paying for food, water, new clothes, cleaning items in addition to anything that isn’t working around the house. Anytime I try to get our husband to help myself and others with a purchase, he makes myself and others regret it. Recently our Heating, Ventilation, in addition to the A/C unit broke down and my husband told me he didn’t have the money to help myself and others replace it. I knew that AC was more important to him than me. So I just said I didn’t have the money either and didn’t buy new Heating, Ventilation, in addition to A/C. All of us spent months in the warm Summer without any style of cooling system. It was horrible, not only was the heat hard to sleep in, although I was fighting mold in addition to cockroaches in the house. The whole home stinked for a long time in addition to our husband being miserable. He still wouldn’t buy the new Heating, Ventilation, in addition to the A/C unit with myself and others though. He started talking about buying multiple window AC units that would look horrible in the house. So I ended up just buying our whole house Heating, Ventilation, in addition to the A/C unit myself. I couldn’t kneel the mess in addition to I wasn’t willing to buy a cheaper option. I am still pissed with him over that.

multi split air conditioning