Gardening mishap almost takes out the Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit

Gardening mishap almost takes out the Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit

Nick July 17, 2022

If it’s summer, that means were are dealing with lots of heat plus humidity.

But when we retired to the south, that was the plan.

Every one of us were happy to trade the gas gas furnace plus all that heating for the heat pump plus all this air conditioner. Still, it takes a bit of adjustment when you are dealing with the sort of temperatures we see on a weekly basis for several weeks straight. For me, I get up particularly early plus get outside for exercise or recreation before the heat of the day sets in. By breakfasttime, I’m inside the Heating, Ventilation and A/C cooling with my inside pursuits prefer studying plus tinkering around with inside projects. The same can’t be said for my husband. She is outside nearly all day no matter what the season. While it’s not all day, he is in plus out of the air conditioner throughout the day as he is a master gardener. Again, that was area of the package when we moved. She wanted to be able to spend his time gardening plus that guy has created a showplace out of our property. But he nearly killed the heat pump not too long ago due to that gardening. My husband uses a tarp when she’s weeding the garden or the flower beds. That way he can just toss the weeds on the tarp plus drag it to the compost. For some reason, he ended up draping that tarp right over the top of the Heating, Ventilation and A/C cabinet outside. Thankfully, I happened to stick my head outside plus caught this before the Heating, Ventilation and A/C equipment was choked out or disfigured from lack of air flow.


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