I’m too lazy on the weekends after working through the week

I’m too lazy on the weekends after working through the week

Nick October 6, 2022

I wish I had more energy to do various projects on the weekends, but I barely get my errands and cleaning done.

My job involves working in the hot sunlight all day long laying roofing tiles.

Being a roofer is difficult work and it’s no wonder why I’m exhausted every week by the time I get to the weekend hours. I sweat out gallons of water throughout the week and it’s a challenge just to keep myself from getting dehydrated. It’s a rough job for anyone who isn’t used to outdoor, manual labor. I get home after a long day of work and I’m left just wanting to lay on the couch and watch television. When you have chores to get done around the house, it’s hard when you feel exhausted all of the time. I have ideas for projects to do on the weekend, but I never get around to them. Sometimes I want to do repairs on the house as they quickly start to stack with time. For instance, I’ve been wanting to install my new ductless mini split HVAC system in my tool shed, but it’s going to take several hours to get the entire job done. I can’t get started and run out of time to finish the project in full. If you can’t handle running electrical wires to your breaker box, you shouldn’t try installing the ductless mini split on your own. I have done a handful of electrical projects in the past so it’s not my first rodeo with the ductless mini split installation.


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