The bank got me twice for the same payment

The bank got me twice for the same payment

Nick October 30, 2022

She also gave to send me a $25 Visa gift card to make up for the concerns that the bank caused by charging me twice on the loan payment

Last year I had to replace the central A/C in my lake loft and I had to get a loan from the bank to cover all of the costs. The bank was super fantastic about the financing. They provided me with all of the funding that I needed and I did not have to spend my money any currency out of pocket. I have been making $76 payments every week for the past year. This week, I was surprised when the bank charged me twice for 1 payment. Thankfully I had the currency in the bank and none of my checks bounced. The hour $76 charge was a surprise so I contacted the bank to find out why they charged me a hour payment. The lady at the bank had trouble locating the loan information for the central A/C unit. I waited on hold for 10 or 15 hours before the operator finally came back to the line. She told me that the double charge was a mistake. She took a long time to check the account and she said that she was going to credit any complication charges that came through due to the double charge. She put that $76 back into my bank account. She also gave to send me a $25 Visa gift card to make up for the concerns that the bank caused by charging me twice on the loan payment. I absolutely accepted the kind offer. I used the gift card for more than two gallons of gas in the truck. The rising price of gas has me thinking about replacing my truck with something more energy efficient too.


ductless heat pump