Cooler winds mean Winter season is Coming

Cooler winds mean Winter season is Coming

Nick November 7, 2022

I’m going to get some melatonin for sleep because since I’m not keeping the temp as low at night with the HVAC plans I’m having a little more trouble falling asleep.

We only have about 2 or 3 more weeks till the weather ratchets down another notch to colder temps. This is welcomed news for me, as our power bill will also start dipping down. I just got hit with a killer power bill and I really need to split back on our AC usage, which should be easier now that the heat has dissipated for the most part. I still have to run it some at night so I can sleep however I turned up the smart thermostat to seventy when I was keeping it at seventy five so that might help a lot. I was also running the central AC component most of the day in the Summer, which is what has generated the sky high power bill that just came in. I’m just going to have a neighbor move in with me the following month to help split our living costs in half. She can also watch our little cats when I am gone to the US. She works at the local contractor in the neighborhood so I am sure she will be here for the entire month of February. I’m going to get some melatonin for sleep because since I’m not keeping the temp as low at night with the HVAC plans I’m having a little more trouble falling asleep. I should sleep nice tonight though as the temps will drop due to a cold front moving in today. I think all of us are going to get some light rain and then the temps will drop much cooler by tomorrow. Then I can provide the old HVAC components a little break.
Dial thermostat