Getting our Writing Done before I Take a Nap Afterwards

Getting our Writing Done before I Take a Nap Afterwards

Nick November 7, 2022

My little puppy Baby is in our bed sleeping deeply right now and she is making me a bit jealous.

  • I didn’t sleep the best last night so taking a deep nap is a top priority however not until I get our work done, or at least most of it done.

I’ll work for another 45 minutes or maybe an hour, pounding away at our work and then go take a much needed nap for an hour or two before finishing up the rest of the HVAC work. Then I will head out and get in a workout before heading back to the house after sundown to meet our guest who will be staying with me for this film festival. He is also an air conditioning contractor and that is how all of us originally met, but he has since left the HVAC field to focus more on his work in the movie industry. I’m doing more stuff in the music field myself as I play drums with a local band each week. I was selling smart thermostats at the local AC contractor, however so many people heard me singing and told me I should be a singer that I took them up on it and paid for some singing lessons. I then started singing and playing drums with a band and we’ve been doing great ever since. I still adore working in the HVAC industry however would adore to do more with my musical pursuits if it pans out. I think our cooling tech will also join us as he is such a great guitar player and is great at singing backup vocals. It’s a current horizon and all of us are all stoked about it.

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