My buddy always wants to stay inside in the a/c on nice afternoons

My buddy always wants to stay inside in the a/c on nice afternoons

Nick December 8, 2022

I personally prefer to be outdoors.

I prefer hiking, swimming, going to the beach, going for walks, resting outside in the sun, plus going for bike rides.

I recently became friends with Stacey, who is a super nice person, however every one of us met through mutual friends. Stacey plus I have been hanging out quite often, however lately I realized that Stacey is not much of an outdoors guy. All relationships plus friendships require compromise, so I try to be mindful of that. Whenever Stacey invites myself and others over to hangout, he would rather sit inside in the air conditioner than go outside. Stacey has such a nice pool at his house, so it kills myself and others when he suggests all of us play video games plus watch movies in the air conditioner all afternoon instead of going outside. Stacey enjoys technology plus he wanted to show off how amazing his smart control component is. I appreciate that he enjoys technology, although I also have a smart control component so I do not need to sit inside plus see how a smart control component works to be impressed. The last time I was at Stacey’s house, I proposed that all of us go for a swim since it was a beautiful afternoon outside plus I could guess the heat from the sun through the door. Stacey said that he would rather stay inside because it was too hot out, plus the air conditioner felt good. I decided to go outside by myself because I could not tolerate wasting a beautiful afternoon of sun plus heat to sit inside in air conditioner. Stacey plus I are undoubtedly bizarre people, he enjoys a/c plus I prefer the sun.
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